March 15th: Norsk Hydro’s Fund for Cancer Research Guest Lecture Prof Werner Franke: "Governmentally supported criminal systems in sports (Doping): The roles of MDs and scientists."

W. Franke
W. Franke

Dr Werner Franke, Helmoholtz Professor, Head of Division of Cell and Tumor Biology, The German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, is a world renowned cell biologist. His work on the fields of proteins of the cytoskeleton and cell-cell junctions has contributed significantly to improving the diagnosis of many cancers. Antibodies against cytoskeletal components originally generated in his laboratory are today used for molecular cancer diagnostics world wide. He has authored over 600 publications and is recipient of numerous scientific awards, including the German Cancer Award.

Dr Werner Franke is, however, invited to give a lecture on a topic that made him more known to the broad public: doping in competitive sports.

Time & Place: Tuesday March 15th, 12:00 pm in the Auditorium in the Institute for Cancer Research

Together with his wife, Brigitte Berendonk, a former olympic athlete, he has been fighting indefatigably against the criminal schemes of sports officials and sports medicine specialists. They have a.o. uncovered and documented the systematic government doping practices of the former German Democratic Republic, resulting in verdicts by the Federal Court of Justice. Their efforts have been acknowledged by the German government by the award of Cross of Merit on ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Werner Franke at DKFZ, incl CV and complete list of publications

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