Norsk Hydros Fond for Cancer Research Lecture Presents: Paul A. Roche

Paul A. Roche
Paul A. Roche
Dr Paul A. Roche is a senior investigator at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, USA and his research focuses on MHC Class II antigen processing and presentation. He has been playing a major role - and making key discoveries in the MHC Class II field - for the past 20 years. He will present the following talk:
The Birth and Death of Antigenic MHC Class II-Peptide Complexes in Dendritic Cells
Time and place:
Monday, Feb 21st 10.00 AM
in the auditorium in the new research building at Montebello. Coffee and muffins will be served.

The Birth and Death of Antigenic MHC Class II-Peptide Complexes in Dendritic Cells

Paul A Roche, Ph.D, Senior Investigator
Experimental Immunology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health


Dendritic cells are sentinels in our body, sampling the tissue microenvironment for pathogens and activating the acquired immune system in an attempt to eliminate foreign pathogens. Dendritic cells internalize antigens, degrade them into peptides, and MHC class II molecules in the dendritic cell bind the peptides and "present" them to the T cell receptor on T lymphocytes for immune cell activation.

I will discuss how MHC class II-peptide complexes are "presented" on the surface of dendritic cells in membrane microdomains,what regulates their stable expression on the cell surface, and how "old" complexes ultimately are ubiquitinated and degraded in these antigen presenting cells.


Roche web site

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