Sir Hans Krebs Medal to Harald Stenmark

At the 2010 FEBS Congress in Gothenburg, Harald Stenmark from the Centre for Cancer Biomedicine and the Institute for Cancer Research was awarded the Sir Hans Krebs Medal. This medal is awarded annually by the Federation of European Biochemical Societies for "outstanding achievements in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or related sciences". Recent awardees include Nobel laureates Aaron Ciechanover (2006) and Tim Hunt (2008). After receiving the medal, Stenmark presented a plenary lecture entitled "How a lipid mediates tumour suppression".
Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) is one of the largest organisations in European life sciences. FEBS seeks to promote, encourage and support biochemistry, molecular cell biology, molecular biophysics as well as related areas throughout Europe in a variety of different ways.
About The Sir Hans Krebs Lecture and Medal (information from the FEBS web pages)
The Sir Hans Krebs Lecture and Medal was endowed by a general gift from the Lord Rank Centre for Research and is awarded for outstanding achievements in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or related sciences.
The awardee, who should be active in European research, presents one of the plenary lectures at the FEBS Congress.
The awardee receives a silver medal, and is awarded his/her travel expenses to the Congress.
It is customary for the Lecture to be published in full in The FEBS Journal.
Previous recipients of the Sir Hans Krebs Medal
2009 Václav Hoejí
2008 Tim Hunt (Nobel prize in physiology or medicine, 2001)
2007 Tom Rapoport
2006 Aaron Ciechanover (Nobel prize in chemistry, 2004)
2005 Thomas Jenuwein
2004 Ryszard Gryglewski
2003 Jean Pouyssegur
2002 Sir Philip Cohen
2001 Thomas Steitz (Nobel prize in chemistry, 2009)
FEBS medals
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