King Olav V's cancer research prize 2003: Prestigous national research award to Sjur Olsnes

Professor Sjur Olsnes from Deparment of Biochemistry at the Norwegian Radium Hospital received King Olav V's cancer research prize March 3rd. Queen Sonja delivered the prize in connection with the celebration for the annual "Cancer Day" in the Oslo Concert Hall. The prize contains NOK 500.000, and is distributed every year by the Norwegian Cancer Society. The prize is one of the honourable a Norwegian cancer researcher can receive.

Sjur Olsnes got the prize for his research regarding protein transport into cells. His studies concerning how cells take up certain toxins has given new insight that can have a great impact for future cancer treatment.

Through a period of thirty years Sjur Olsnes has published nearly 300 scientific works. He has received Anders Jahres prize for young researchers (1979), Stiansens research prize for biomedical research (1995) and the research prize of the University in Oslo (2000). He is a selected member of the EMBO society (1987), in Academia Europea (1994) and i the Russian science academy (1999).

The Department of Biochemistry, where Olsnes is head, has recently purchased a new confocal microscope. The prize money will be useful to the daily expenses of running this advanced instrument.

Mar 5, 2003 Page visits: 4003