Invitation: The 59th  Contact Meeting of the Norwegian Bioscience Society Jan. 18-21, 2024

Welcome to the 59th  Contact Meeting of the Norwegian Bioscience Society (formerly known as the Norwegian Biochemistry Society)! The organizing committee in Oslo, of which many are OUS employees, is delighted to host the 2024 meeting. The event will take place January 18-21, 2024, at Storefjell Resort Hotel in Gol.

Deadlines: December 1, 2023, to submit an early bird and abstract; December 15, 2023, for late registration.

Link to meeting home page (

Sign up here (

The NBS contact meetings are well known for showcasing high quality science, with a rather broad coverage across fields of molecular life science. No exception to this, we are proud to present 9 excellent international and national scientists within the fields of exosomes, microbiota, phase separation, cancer biology and microscopy combined with artificial intelligence. There will be nine plenary sessions given by our excellent invited speakers, while every delegate will have the opportunity to present their own research either in a minisymposium talk or as a poster.

The NBS Contact meeting is an excellent arena for Master and PhD students to communicate their science to a wide national and international audience, perhaps for the first time. The meeting is a place where you encounter new and old collaborators, mentors and friends. It offers an opportunity to lift your gaze and learn about ongoing life science research – a pleasant remedy for the tunnel vision we often experience in our daily scientific routine.

Welcome and best regards from the organizing committee, NBS Division Oslo.

Anne Simonsen (chair), Helene Knævelsrud and Tore Skotland (co-chairs), Tone Berge, Trine B. Haugen, Pooja Kumari, Kirsten Sandvig, Kay Oliver Schink, and Pål Kristian Selbo

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