Ã…smund Eikenes publishes careers column in Nature

Å. Eikenes

Åsmund Eikenes from Harald Stenmark's lab at the department of Molecular Cell Biology has written a column in the careers section of the May 6th edition of Nature (journal impact factor 42.4). The article is entitled "Visual maps bring research to life".

In the short essay, Åsmund argues that scientists could benefit from actively using techniques from storytelling to improve their scientific work.

One example is what he calls "Storymapping" - arranging microscope images, graphs, models and preliminary figure panels into a dynamic story as a research project develops. The visual overview of the project's status allows the researcher to identify strengths, weaknesses and new directions for the research project at an early stage.

Storymapping also contributes to the manuscript writing process, as it allows the researcher to keep a clear focus on the questions and answers that guide the narration of the work.


Nature careers column: "Visual maps bring research to life"

Link to a step-by-step guide for storymapping

From Åsmund Eikenes's research blog at forskning.no (in Norwegian)

Åsmund Eikenes's publications

Home page of Harald Stenmark's group

Department of Molecular Cell Biology

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