Contact - Health Economics

Could health economic evaluation be relevant for your research project?

  • Is the intervention or method you are researching expected to impact the quality of life (QoL) of patients or carers?
  • Are you expecting any potential differences in terms of resource use between the intervention and comparator/current practice (which may result in differences in costs)?

If your answer to any of the questions presented above is “yes”, then we recommend you to contact us for a health economics audit for your project/study. We provide free advice. 

Team Health Economics is part of the Clinical Trial Unit (CTU) at Oslo University Hospital, and we provide advice and support within the following areas:

  • Design and methods within health economics - e.g. health economic evaluation (cost-effectiveness analysis etc.), estimation of long term survival and treatment effect and/or QALY, Value of Information (VOI) methods, estimation of costs of interventions and simulation modelling.
  • Protocols and applications for funding where Health Economics is relevant (e.g. Helse Sør-Øst, NFR).
  • Courses and presentations.

Additionally, our mandate from the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (HSØ) states that we must also be an available resource for health research projects in the region that want our assistance, regardless of other links to CTU.

Please fill out the contact form below for a non-binding consultation and we will get back to you.
See “Projects” to view previous and current projects.

Contact Form

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