The 2018 Oslo University Hospital Research Awards to Klungland, Haugaa and Westlye

Three scientists received awards for their outstanding research at a ceremony taking place at Oslo University Hospital June 8th.

The major prize - the "Excellent Researcher Award" - went to professor Arne Klungland.

Kristina H. Haugaa and Lars Tjelta Westlye both received the "Early Career Award".

The prize money - 300.000 and 150.000 NOK respectively - is earmarked for research activities. This prize is distributed anually in order to honour excellent scientific work.

The awarding process is organized by the hospital's research committee (Forskningsutvalget), while an external Scientific Advisory Board has evaluated the candidates. 

From left:  Lars Tjelta Westlye, Arne Klungland and Kristin H. Haugaa. Photo: Børge Einrem, OUS.

About this year's award winners:

Excellent Research Award

Arne Klungland:

Arne Klungland

Arne Klungland is head of the research sectionat the Department of Microbiology at the Division of Laboratory Medicine at OUH, and professor II at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Oslo.

Committee statement:
Arne Klungland’s research field concerns DNA repair and DNA and RNA modifications. He is a most dynamic and creative researcher and is in the forefront of this highly competitive area. He has developed new methods for the study of DNA modifications, of which several have been patented and commercialized. Professor Klungland has a major impact on the research environment and has supported many young researchers who now have leading positions. Professor Klungland has demonstrated expertise and skills in applying basic science discoveries to common clinical problems and has a major impact on significant collaborative activities. Undoubtedly, Arne Klungland will continue to play a leading role and guarantee innovative research at Oslo University Hospital.

Home page of Arne Klungland's group - Laboratory for Dynamic gene regulation

Early Career Awards:

Kristin H. Haugaa

Kristin H. Haugaa

Kristina H. Haugaa er fagenhetsleder ved Kardiologisk avdeling, Hjerte-, lunge- og karklinikken, og førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for klinisk medisin, Det medisinske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo.

Committe statement:
Kristina H. Haugaa defended her PhD thesis in 2010, followed by 2 years of post doctoral training, one at the Mayo Clinic and the other at the University of Pittsburgh. She has published more than 120 peer-reviewed scientific articles and has supervised 3 PhD students, who have completed their PhD’s. One of them received a prestigious award (His Majesty the King’s gold medal) for best medical PhD in 2017. She is currently leading a very active research group and she has established a broad international collaborative network. She is active and dynamic and serves as a fine role model. She is a good leader. She will hopefully retain her scientific activities and lead her research group for future developments.

Kristin H. Haugaa's publications

Lars Tjelta Westlye

Lars T. Westlye

Lars Tjelta Westlye er seniorforsker ved Norsk senter for forskning på mentale lidelser, Klinikk psykisk helse og avhengighet. Han er også førsteamanuensis ved Psykologisk institutt, Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo.

Committe statement:
Lars Tjelta Westlye defended his PhD thesis in 2011 at the department of Psychology, UiO. He has spent time abroad in 2010-11 at the University of Oxford, UK, and in 2011 as a visiting researcher at the University of California, San Diego. He has been most productive and published more than 150 original scientific articles positioned in high profile journals. His research is highly innovative, recently illustrated by discoveries of brain imaging markers of mental illness. For three years in a row, Lars Tjelta Westlye has been awarded with the Oslo University Hospital’s Excellent publication award. He is certainly a dynamic and creative researcher who has created a stimulating research environment and strong international network.

Lars Tjelta Westlye's publications

News article from, where the award winners answer questions about their current research and how their findings may be of benefit for patients (text in Norwegian):

Klungland, Haugaa og Westlye årets fremragende forskere

Previous award winners:

Excellent Researcher Award
Early Career Award (alphabetically listed)
Kirsten Sandvig
Johannes Espolin Roksund Hov
Tor Paaske Utheim
Pål Aukrust
Espen Melum
Therese Seierstad
Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale
Jan Terje Andersen
John Arne Dahl
Ludvig M. Sollid
Kyrre Eeg Emblem
Edward Leithe
Harald Stenmark
Guro Lind
Tom Hemming Karlsen
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