Funding and collaborators

On-going funding

  • South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority : 1 PhD , 1 post doc 6 yrs
  • Stiftelsen Dam (Norwegian Foundation for Health and Rehabilitation): 4PhD
  • NordForsk: post doc. 1

Other financial support:

  • Norwegian chapter of ILAE
  • Norwegian Epilepsy society
  • Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Rare Disorders
  • Novo Nordisk Foundation

National network

EpilepsiNett: National Network for Evidence-based Epilepsy Care.
Chairperson: Marte Syversen. Management team: Morten I. Lossius, Nils Erik Gilhus, Marte Bjørk, Kristin Å. Alfstad, Jørn Mandla Sibeko.

International networks

EpiCARE” European Reference Network (ERN) on rare and complex epilepsies.  Lead of working group 18 and executive committee member: Morten I. Lossius

International projects:

“EURAP study”.  An International Antiepileptic Drugs and Pregnancy Registry” (International concerted Action on the Teratogenesis of Anti-epileptic Drugs) ( 

Silje Alvestad and Siri Myklebust, national coordinators

“Computer based identification of morphometric abnormalities in MRI images in patients before and after operation in the temporal lobe.”  Kristin Å. Alfstad, Morten I. Lossius, Jugoslav Ivanovic, Pål Bache Marthinsen, Oslo University Hospital and Lars Pinborg, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark

Associated senior researchers

  • PhD MD Richard Idro, Kampala, Uganda
  • Prof. Jukka Peltola Tampere, Finland
  • Roderick Duncan, MD, PhD. New Zealand.
  • Torbjörn Tomson, Prof. Karolinska.
  • Christoph Helmstaedter, professor, Bonn University.
  • Anette Huuse Farmen, MD. Innlandet hospital and UiO
  • Marte Syvertsen, MD, Vestre Viken and UiO
  • Guido Rubbioli  Professor, Philadelfia, Aarhus
  • Sandor Benizky, professor, Certified Neurologist and Clinical Neurophysiologist
  • Maryam Shirzadi, Nevrolog ved Nevroklinikken ved St. Olavs hospital og 1. amanuensis ved Institutt for nevromedisin og bevegelsesvitenskap ved NTNU. 
  • Eline Revdal, Nevrolog ved Avd for nevrologi og klinisk nevrofysiologi St. Olavs Hospital og PhD-student ved St. Olavs Hospital, NTNU
  • Professor Rohit Shankar MBE, FRCPsych
  • Professor in Neuropsychiatry, Peninsula School of Medicine, University of Plymouth
  • Guro Minken Nevropsykolog ved seksjon for klinisk psykologi SSE
  • Margrete Larsen Burns, seksjonsleder lab SSE, overlege, PhD
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