18th Annual CHFR Symposium on Heart Research
The Center for Heart Failure Research (CHFR) was established in 2002 and has since then promoted the integration of high quality research from bench to bedside. Center members have a broad range of expertise; covering state-of-the-art gene technology, protein function, integrative physiology in pathophysiological models of heart failure and clinical studies. This collective knowledge and active research collaboration has resulted in more than 200 scientific publications each year.
Several members from Myocardial function and cardiac imaging research group and the collaborating researchers presented interesting results from their recent studies. Two PhD fellows were awarded with the best poster prize; Eystein Skjølsvik for his work on “Exercise is a marker of impaired left ventricular function in patients with Lamin A/C mutations” and Monica Chivulescu for her work on “High penetrance and similar disease progression in probands and family members with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy”.

Photo: Oslo University Hospital (OUS)
Previous best poster prize winner in the session Diagnostic and therapeutical strategies for cardiac disease postdoctoral fellow Øyvind H. Lie, was among the speakeres at this year's Symposium. Lie talked about Cardiac arrest in sports: Knowledge and misconceptions. Øyvind H. Lie has also written about the subject in, among others, Indremedisineren and Aftenposten.