Visitor Lapo Nardoni (Rome, Italy. Erasmus student)

As a high school student, the time I spent doing an internship at the Department of Radiology and the Department of Orthopedics at Oslo University Hospital was a total game-changer for my early journey and greatly fueled my aspiration to study medicine.
Working alongside a wonderful team of consultants, residents, and radiographers, I absorbed a wealth of knowledge. Instead of remaining on the sidelines, they always found a way to involve me in surgeries, where they not only provided thorough and understandable explanations but also entrusted me with small tasks that made me feel like a valued member of the group. Learning this way was incredibly easy and enjoyable. This was all in all a remarkable experience not only medical-wise but also on a social level.
The time I spent there was truly delightful, as I had the chance to meet and connect with amazing individuals. The memories and lessons from that period are ones I will treasure forever. For anyone intrigued by these fields, I wholeheartedly recommend seeking out a similar experience!