Congratulations to Engelke Marie Randers with her PhD defence Engelke Marie Randers at Institute of Clinical Medicine defended 24.01.25 the thesis “Surgical treatment of sacroiliac joint pain” for the degree of PhD.
Many thanks to the committee:
First opponent: Professor Helena Brisby, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Second opponent: Associate Professor Ivar Rossvoll, NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Third member and chair of the evaluation committee: Professor II Espen A. Haavardsholm, University of Oslo
Trial lecture :
On the given topic: “The role and responsibility of the medical profession, the medical device industry and health care providers in implementation of novel surgical methods or devices”
11-12 June, Vancouver, Canada International RSA meeting
Abstract Submission Deadline is exstended to Jan 22 January 2025
Early Bird Registration Deadline is 11 April 2025 (opens mid- February)
21-23 mai, Lofoten, Norge NFHKK vårdager 2025
Kleivstua forskningsseminar 28.-29.11.24
Ortopedisk klinikks årlige forskningsseminar på Klevistua ble avholdt med 22 PhD-presentasjoner etterfulgt av kritisk diskusjon. Det ble et flott seminar med Maiken Stilling fra Universitetet i Aarhus og Maziar Mohaddes fra Universitetet i Göteborg som eksterne reviewere.
Fra CIRRO - gruppen var det presentasjoner ved Henrik Lie Fridheim og Fredrik Bru.
Nytt gratis verktøy for datainnsamling Ledidi: IT-løsning for kvalitetsregistre
RSA Educational Meeting - 17.09.24

In order to stimulate academic sharing and social connection among members of the RSA Society we initiate a series of 1-hour online meetings where RSA research groups take turns presenting/sharing on different topics followed by a discussion.
The presenter this time is John Abrahams from The University of Adelaide and he will talk about:
Assessing acetabular component migration in the setting of acute acetabular fractures and revision THA.
Time: 2 p.m Central European Time
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 848 4603 6311
Password: 020308