Cochlear implant, hearing and ear surgery

Group leader
The group’s aim is to carry out research related to ear and hearing, and to investigate how patients benefitfrom intervention,treatment,rehabilitationandearsurgeryincludingcochlearimplantation. Research on diagnosis and treatment of superior semicircular canal dehiscence disorder has also become a main focus area of the research group.
The team is a multidisciplinary team consisting of medical doctors/ear surgeons, audio physicists (MSc/PhD), audiopedagogues(specialneedspedagogues),andaudiologists.Thisopensupfor research within different disciplines and across disciplines.
Strengths of the research group:
- CI surgery and ear surgery
- National treatment center for children with CI
- Children with CI - one country’s total population (an internationally unique population)
- Knowledge of speech perception and language development after cochlear implantation
- Special expertise in Auditory Verbal Therapy
- Adults with CI (50% of the adults with CI population in Norway)
- Radiological visualization during CI surgery (Facilities at the Intervention centre)
- Special expertise in measurements during cochlear implant (CI) surgeries with ongoing research projects with and without industrial collaborators
- Industrial collaborators and possible future innovations
- Diagnosis of hearing impairment of infants and small children, hearing aids to small children
- Special expertise in auditory evoked electrophysiologic measurements (ABR / ASSR)
- Special expertise in visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA) used for small children
- Special expertise in fitting hearing aids to small children and to patients with special needs
- Diagnosis of specific patient groups (e.g. Superior Canal Dehiscence)