Anne Margarita Dyrhol-RiiseGroup leader
Anne Margarita Dyrhol-Riise
Group leader

Norwegian version of this page

CIRG - Chronic Infections

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tuberculosis (TB), Hepatitis B (HBV), sepsis, influenza and COVID-19 are all globally dominant infections with increased or dysregulated inflammation important for the outcome of the disease. 

Studies of new treatment strategies and prognostic biomarkers for disease progression and treatment efficacy are needed in order to develop and evaluate personalized treatments, but require a good biological understanding of the disease mechanisms.

Focus of research

We aim to strengthen clinical research in collaboration with users and industry in accordance with the OUS Handlingsplan for Forskning 2021-23 (In Norwegian, pdf). Through translational research, we will contribute to increase knowledge about immunopathogenesis, biomarkers and new treatments for chronic and acute infections.

We work interdisciplinary and in collaboration with national and international research networks. Our research will contribute to develop personalized medicine for our patients and a research platform for future pandemics.

  • Preclinical studies of biobanks collected from our hospitalized patients
  • Clinical intervention studies of vaccines and new treatment strategies
  • Quality register studies of HIV, TB, Hepatitis B, Sepsis and COVID-19
  • Clinical partner in externally initiated projects and assigned research

Public defences

Published Apr. 20, 2012 4:04 PM - Last modified June 7, 2023 7:35 AM



Detailed list of participants

Facebook page (in Norwegian): Forskningsgruppen for kroniske infeksjonssykdommer