Vascular diagnostics and intervention

Group leader
The development of new technology in radiology has been tremendous for the last few decades providing advanced diagnostic imaging. Both non-invasive techniques such as ultrasound, computer tomography or magnetic resonance, and invasive conventional angiography provide complementary diagnostic information on vascular anatomy. The current trend towards less invasive medicine has resulted in rapid development and increasing use of non-invasive diagnostic imaging techniques and minimal or non-invasive therapies of vascular structures.
Research aims
The main focus of this group is to create a forum for researchers within the field of vascular diagnostic imaging and intervention in the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at Oslo University Hospital. We want to further develop and optimize techniques for both vascular diagnostic imaging and therapeutic use in basic and clinical research. Our aim is that this collaboration will facilitate ongoing research and stimulate to future projects by sharing and acquiring knowledge and experience among the members in this group.