Rune Ellefsen

  • Researcher; PhD
  • +47 467 99 669

Research interests:

Ellefsens research interests include addiction treatment, policing and the prevention of radicalization. He is currently doing qualitative work on heroin-assisted treatment, discrimination and hate crime.


Heroinassistert behandling - Oslo universitetssykehus (

Relevant links:

Orcid Rune Ellefsen (0000-0002-2420-9365) (


Researchgate Rune ELLEFSEN |Research profile (


Heroin-assisted treatment

HateCycle The life cycle of hate crimes: Patterns, responses and consequences (HATECYCLE) - C-REX - Center for Research on Extremism (


From Google Scholar

Ellefsen, Rune and Sveinung Sandberg (2022). Resisting racism in everyday life: From ignoring to confrontation and protestEthnic and Racial Studies.

Ellefsen, Rune and Sveinung Sandberg (2022). Everyday prevention of radicalization: The impacts of family, peer, and police interventionStudies in Conflict & Terrorism.

Ellefsen, Rune and Sveinung Sandberg (2022). Black Lives Matter: The role of emotions in political engagementSociology.

Ellefsen, Rune and Jan Jämte (2022). The causes, contents and consequences of repression: A framework for analyzing protest control in the counter-extremism eraSocial Movement Studies

Ellefsen, Rune and Martin M. Sjøen (2022). "Resisting violent extremism through pro-social resilience: The case of Norway." Routledge Handbook on Violent Extremism and Resilience, edited by Richard McNeil-Willson and Anna Triandafyllidou. Routledge.

Ellefsen, Rune (2021). Why not talk about repression? Radical activism and its responses to repressionPartecipazione e Conflitto [Participation and Conflict].

Ellefsen, Rune and Sveinung Sandberg (2021). A repertoire of everyday resistance: Young Muslims’ responses to anti-Muslim hostilityJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Ellefsen, Rune (2021). Prevention of radicalization as an emergent field of plural policing in Norway: The accelerating role of militant IslamistsNordic Journal of Studies in Policing.

Banafsheh, Azin, Rune Ellefsen og Sveinung Sandberg (2021). "Jævla terrorist!" Muslimhets og hverdagsmotstand. I Ungdommen, redigert av Guro Ødegård og Willy Pedersen. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Ellefsen, Rune (2021). The Unintended Consequences of Escalated RepressionMobilization: An International Quarterly.

Jämte, Jan and Rune Ellefsen (2020). Countering extremism(s): Differences in local prevention of right-wing, left-wing and Islamist extremismJournal for Deradicalization.

Jämte, Jan and Rune Ellefsen (2020). The consequences of soft repressionMobilization: An International Quarterly.

Ellefsen, Rune and Joel Busher (2020). The dynamics of restraint in the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty campaignPerspectives on Terrorism. 

Ellefsen, Rune (2018). Deepening the explanation of radical flank effects: Tracing contingent outcomes of destructive capacityQualitative Sociology.

Ellefsen, Rune (2017). Taking sides? Issues of bias and partisanship when researching socio-political conflictCritical Criminology.

Ellefsen, Rune (2016). Relational dynamics of protest and protest policing: Strategic interaction and the coevolution of targeting strategiesPolicing and Society.

Ellefsen, Rune (2016): Judicial Opportunities and the Death of SHAC: Legal Repression along a Cycle of ContentionSocial Movement Studies.

Ellefsen, Rune (2014). Politisk mobilisering og represjon: Kontroll av grønne protestbevegelser. I: Liv Finstad & Heidi Mork Lomell (red.), Motmæle. En antologi til Kjersti Ericsson, Cecilie Høigård og Guri Larsen. Novus Forlag.

Ellefsen, Rune (2014). Skillelinjer og utvikling i dyrevernetikkenFilosofisk supplement.

Ellefsen, Rune (2013). Å fylle ”dyrevelferd” med mening: Skillelinjene i dyrevelferdsdebattenSosiologi i dag.

Ellefsen, Rune (2013): Med lov til å pine: Om bruk og beskyttelse av dyr. Oslo: Fritt forlag.

Ellefsen, Rune (2013). Den moderne pelsdyrfabrikken: Konflikten om legitimiteten, I: Ragnhild Sollund; Guri Larsen & Morten Tønnesen (red.),  Hvem er villest i landet her? Råskap mot dyr og natur i antropocen, menneskets tidsalder.  Scandinavian Academic Press.  ISBN 978-82-304-0080-7.  Kapittel.  s 205 - 223

Ellefsen, Rune (2013). Motstanden mot pelsdyrnæringen: Et uttrykk for noe større?, I: Ragnhild Sollund; Guri Larsen & Morten Tønnesen (red.),  Hvem er villest i landet her? Råskap mot dyr og natur i antropocen, menneskets tidsalder. Scandinavian Academic Press.  

Ellefsen, Rune; Larsen, Guri & Sollund, Ragnhild (2012). Eco-global Crimes: Contemporary and Future Challenges. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Ellefsen, Rune (2012). Green Movements as Threats to Order and Economy? Animal Advocates Repressed in Austria and beyond, In  Eco-global Crimes: Contemporary problems and Future Challenges.  Farnham: Ashgate (Routledge).

Below: PubMed indexed articles:


Publications 2024

Myklebust LH, Eide D, Arnevik EA, Dadras O, De Pirro S, Ellefsen R, Fadnes LT, Hesse M, Kvamme TL, Melis F, Oldervoll A, Thylstrup B, Wusthoff LEC, Clausen T (2024)
Evaluation of heroin-assisted treatment in Norway: protocol for a mixed methods study
BMC Health Serv Res, 24 (1), 398
DOI 10.1186/s12913-024-10767-w, PubMed 38553691

Publications 2023

Ellefsen R (2023)
[Not Available]
Nordisk Alkohol Nark, 41 (3), 307-325
DOI 10.1177/14550725231207251, PubMed 38903889

Ellefsen R, Wüsthoff LEC, Arnevik EA (2023)
Patients' satisfaction with heroin-assisted treatment: a qualitative study
Harm Reduct J, 20 (1), 73
DOI 10.1186/s12954-023-00808-8, PubMed 37312181

Publications 2021

Ellefsen R (2021)
Mobilization, 26 (1), 87-108
DOI 10.17813/1086-671X-26-1-87

Ellefsen R (2021)
Why not talk about repression? Radical activism and its responses to repression
Partecip. Confl., 14 (1), 480-496
DOI 10.1285/i20356609v14i1p480

Ellefsen R, Sandberg S (2021)
A repertoire of everyday resistance: young Muslims' responses to anti-Muslim hostility
J. Ethn. Migr. Stud.
DOI 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1894913

Publications 2020

Jamte J, Ellefsen R (2020)
Mobilization, 25 (3), 383-404
DOI 10.17813/1086-671X-25-3-383

Publications 2018

Ellefsen R (2018)
Deepening the Explanation of Radical Flank Effects: Tracing Contingent Outcomes of Destructive Capacity
Qual. Sociol., 41 (1), 111-133
DOI 10.1007/s11133-018-9373-3

Ellefsen R (2018)
Relational dynamics of protest and protest policing: strategic interaction and the coevolution of targeting strategies
Polic. Soc., 28 (7), 751-767
DOI 10.1080/10439463.2016.1262366

Publications 2017

Ellefsen R (2017)
Taking Sides? Issues of Bias and Partisanship When Researching Socio-political Conflict
Crit. Criminol., 25 (2), 231-244
DOI 10.1007/s10612-017-9355-x

Publications 2016

Ellefsen R (2016)
Judicial opportunities and the death of SHAC: legal repression along a cycle of contention
Soc. Mov. Stud., 15 (5), 441-456
DOI 10.1080/14742837.2016.1185360

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