Joakim Kalsnes

  • System developer

Publications 2024

Kildal W, Cyll K, Kalsnes J, Islam R, Julbø FM, Pradhan M, Ersvær E, Shepherd N, Vlatkovic L, OSBREAC, Tekpli X, Garred Ø, Kristensen GB, Askautrud HA, Hveem TS, Danielsen HE, OSBREAC - Oslo Breast Cancer Consortium (2024)
Deep learning for automated scoring of immunohistochemically stained tumour tissue sections - Validation across tumour types based on patient outcomes
Heliyon, 10 (13), e32529
DOI 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e32529, PubMed 39040241

Publications 2021

Cyll K, Kleppe A, Kalsnes J, Vlatkovic L, Pradhan M, Kildal W, Tobin KAR, Reine TM, Wæhre H, Brennhovd B, Askautrud HA, Skaaheim Haug E, Hveem TS, Danielsen HE (2021)
PTEN and DNA Ploidy Status by Machine Learning in Prostate Cancer
Cancers (Basel), 13 (17)
DOI 10.3390/cancers13174291, PubMed 34503100

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