Vigdis Nygaard

  • Scientist; PhD
  • +47 22 78 18 72

Publications 2024

Niehusmann P, Leske H, Nygaard V, Russnes HG, Zhao S, Latysheva A, Straume Wiig U, Stankuniene B, Ulvmoen A (2024)
Desmoplastic non-infantile ganglioglioma mimicking diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumor: precision diagnostics and therapeutic implications
Acta Oncol, 63, 392-394
DOI 10.2340/1651-226X.2024.31720, PubMed 38779936

Publications 2023

Nygaard V, Ree AH, Dagenborg VJ, Børresen-Dale AL, Edwin B, Fretland ÅA, Grzyb K, Haugen MH, Mælandsmo GM, Flatmark K (2023)
A PRRX1 Signature Identifies TIM-3 and VISTA as Potential Immune Checkpoint Targets in a Subgroup of Microsatellite Stable Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases
Cancer Res Commun, 3 (2), 235-244
DOI 10.1158/2767-9764.CRC-22-0295, PubMed 36968142

Publications 2021

Sorly R, Kartveit B, Nygaard V, Normann AK, Ivanova L, Britvina S, Riabova L (2021)
Adapting to the unpredictable: The story of a Norwegian-Russian study of NGOs in the Murmansk region during a pandemic
Qual. Soc. Work, 20 (1-2), 312-319
DOI 10.1177/1473325020973291

Svendsen HA, Meling TR, Nygaard V, Waagene S, Russnes H, Juell S, Rogne SG, Pahnke J, Helseth E, Fodstad Ø, Maelandsmo GM (2021)
Novel human melanoma brain metastasis models in athymic nude fox1nu mice: Site-specific metastasis patterns reflecting their clinical origin
Cancer Med, 10 (23), 8604-8613
DOI 10.1002/cam4.4334, PubMed 34612023

Publications 2020

Ree AH, Nygaard V, Boye K, Heinrich D, Dueland S, Bergheim IR, Johansen C, Beiske K, Negård A, Lund-Iversen M, Nygaard V, Hovig E, Nakken S, Nasser S, Julsrud L, Reisse CH, Ruud EA, Kristensen VN, Flørenes VA, Geitvik GA, Lingjærde OC, Børresen-Dale AL, Russnes HG, Mælandsmo GM, Flatmark K (2020)
Molecularly matched therapy in the context of sensitivity, resistance, and safety; patient outcomes in end-stage cancer - the MetAction study
Acta Oncol, 59 (7), 733-740
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2020.1742377, PubMed 32208873

Publications 2019

Flørenes VA, Flem-Karlsen K, McFadden E, Bergheim IR, Nygaard V, Nygård V, Farstad IN, Øy GF, Emilsen E, Giller-Fleten K, Ree AH, Flatmark K, Gullestad HP, Hermann R, Ryder T, Wernhoff P, Mælandsmo GM (2019)
A Three-dimensional Ex Vivo Viability Assay Reveals a Strong Correlation Between Response to Targeted Inhibitors and Mutation Status in Melanoma Lymph Node Metastases
Transl Oncol, 12 (7), 951-958
DOI 10.1016/j.tranon.2019.04.001, PubMed 31096111

Ree AH, Nygaard V, Russnes HG, Heinrich D, Nygaard V, Johansen C, Bergheim IR, Hovig E, Beiske K, Negård A, Børresen-Dale AL, Flatmark K, Mælandsmo GM (2019)
Responsiveness to PD-1 Blockade in End-Stage Colon Cancer with Gene Locus 9p24.1 Copy-Number Gain
Cancer Immunol Res, 7 (5), 701-706
DOI 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-18-0777, PubMed 30804006

Publications 2017

Ree AH, Russnes HG, Heinrich D, Dueland S, Boye K, Nygaard V, Silwal-Pandit L, Østrup O, Hovig E, Nygaard V, Rødland EA, Nakken S, Øien JT, Johansen C, Bergheim IR, Skarpeteig V, Sathermugathevan M, Sauer T, Lund-Iversen M, Beiske K, Nasser S, Julsrud L, Reisse CH, Ruud EA, Flørenes VA et al. (2017)
Implementing precision cancer medicine in the public health services of Norway: the diagnostic infrastructure and a cost estimate
ESMO Open, 2 (2), e000158
DOI 10.1136/esmoopen-2017-000158, PubMed 28761742

Østrup O, Dagenborg VJ, Rødland EA, Skarpeteig V, Silwal-Pandit L, Grzyb K, Berstad AE, Fretland ÅA, Mælandsmo GM, Børresen-Dale AL, Ree AH, Edwin B, Nygaard V, Flatmark K (2017)
Molecular signatures reflecting microenvironmental metabolism and chemotherapy-induced immunogenic cell death in colorectal liver metastases
Oncotarget, 8 (44), 76290-76304
DOI 10.18632/oncotarget.19350, PubMed 29100312

Publications 2016

Nygaard V (2016)
Do indigenous interests have a say in planning of new mining projects? Experiences from Finnmark, Norway
Extr. Ind. Soc., 3 (1), 17-24
DOI 10.1016/j.exis.2015.11.009

Seip K, Fleten KG, Barkovskaya A, Nygaard V, Haugen MH, Engesæter BØ, Mælandsmo GM, Prasmickaite L (2016)
Fibroblast-induced switching to the mesenchymal-like phenotype and PI3K/mTOR signaling protects melanoma cells from BRAF inhibitors
Oncotarget, 7 (15), 19997-20015
DOI 10.18632/oncotarget.7671, PubMed 26918352

Publications 2015

Bettum IJ, Gorad SS, Barkovskaya A, Pettersen S, Moestue SA, Vasiliauskaite K, Tenstad E, Øyjord T, Risa Ø, Nygaard V, Mælandsmo GM, Prasmickaite L (2015)
Metabolic reprogramming supports the invasive phenotype in malignant melanoma
Cancer Lett, 366 (1), 71-83
DOI 10.1016/j.canlet.2015.06.006, PubMed 26095603

Publications 2014

Nygaard V, Prasmickaite L, Vasiliauskaite K, Clancy T, Hovig E (2014)
Melanoma brain colonization involves the emergence of a brain-adaptive phenotype
Oncoscience, 1 (1), 82-94
DOI 10.18632/oncoscience.11, PubMed 25593989

Publications 2013

Bettum IJ, Vasiliauskaite K, Nygaard V, Clancy T, Pettersen SJ, Tenstad E, Mælandsmo GM, Prasmickaite L (2013)
Metastasis-associated protein S100A4 induces a network of inflammatory cytokines that activate stromal cells to acquire pro-tumorigenic properties
Cancer Lett, 344 (1), 28-39
DOI 10.1016/j.canlet.2013.10.036, PubMed 24215866

Publications 2010

Nygaard V, Karlstad S, Lie I (2010)
En analyse av små, usikre eller stagnerende boligmarkeder
In Norut Alta rapport, Norut Alta-Áltá, Alta, 2010:13, 123 s.
BIBSYS 111604648, ISBN 978-82-7571-202-6

Publications 2009

Nygaard V, Hovig E (2009)
Methods for quantitation of gene expression
Front Biosci (Landmark Ed), 14 (2), 552-69
DOI 10.2741/3262, PubMed 19273085

Publications 2008

Nygaard V, Hovig E (2008)
Cell sampling and global nucleic acid amplification
SEB Exp Biol Ser, 61, 17-36
PubMed 18709735

Nygaard V, Liu F, Holden M, Kuo WP, Trimarchi J, Ohno-Machado L, Cepko CL, Frigessi A, Glad IK, Wiel MA, Hovig E, Lyng H (2008)
Validation of oligoarrays for quantitative exploration of the transcriptome
BMC Genomics, 9, 258
DOI 10.1186/1471-2164-9-258, PubMed 18513391

Publications 2006

Nygaard V (2006)
Microarray technology: approaches to define application sentitivity limits
In Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Unipub, Oslo, no. 452, 1 b. (flere pag.)
BIBSYS 062029975, ISBN 82-8072-419-2

Nygaard V, Hovig E (2006)
Options available for profiling small samples: a review of sample amplification technology when combined with microarray profiling
Nucleic Acids Res, 34 (3), 996-1014
DOI 10.1093/nar/gkj499, PubMed 16473852

Publications 2005

Nygaard V, Holden M, Løland A, Langaas M, Myklebost O, Hovig E (2005)
Limitations of mRNA amplification from small-size cell samples
BMC Genomics, 6, 147
DOI 10.1186/1471-2164-6-147, PubMed 16253144

Publications 2004

Jystad PT, Lie I, Nygaard V (2004)
Tusenvis av nye hytter presser på
S. 8-10
BIBSYS 111164451

Trøen G, Nygaard V, Jenssen TK, Ikonomou IM, Tierens A, Matutes E, Gruszka-Westwood A, Catovsky D, Myklebost O, Lauritzsen G, Hovig E, Delabie J (2004)
Constitutive expression of the AP-1 transcription factors c-jun, junD, junB, and c-fos and the marginal zone B-cell transcription factor Notch2 in splenic marginal zone lymphoma
J Mol Diagn, 6 (4), 297-307
DOI 10.1016/S1525-1578(10)60525-9, PubMed 15507668

Publications 2003

Angell E, Karlstad S, Nygaard V (2003)
Samiske samfunn i omstilling: sluttevaluering av Omstillingsprogrammet for Indre Finnmark
In Rapport, Norut NIBR Finnmark, Alta, 2003:5, I, 213 s.
BIBSYS 040239764, ISBN 82-7571-115-0

Haslekås C, Grini PE, Nordgard SH, Thorstensen T, Viken MK, Nygaard V, Aalen RB (2003)
ABI3 mediates expression of the peroxiredoxin antioxidant AtPER1 gene and induction by oxidative stress
Plant Mol Biol, 53 (3), 313-26
DOI 10.1023/b:plan.0000006937.21343.2a, PubMed 14750521

Haslekås C, Viken MK, Grini PE, Nygaard V, Nordgard SH, Meza TJ, Aalen RB (2003)
Seed 1-cysteine peroxiredoxin antioxidants are not involved in dormancy, but contribute to inhibition of germination during stress
Plant Physiol, 133 (3), 1148-57
DOI 10.1104/pp.103.025916, PubMed 14526116

Lie I, Nygaard V (2003)
Arealsaker i reinbeiteland: en kartlegging av saksmengde, innsigelsessaker og saker som har utløst konsekvensutredning eller erstatning
In Rapport, Norut NIBR Finnmark, Alta, 2003:7, 102 s.
BIBSYS 040296229, ISBN 82-7571-117-7

Nygaard V, Løland A, Holden M, Langaas M, Rue H, Liu F, Myklebost O, Fodstad Ø, Hovig E, Smith-Sørensen B (2003)
Effects of mRNA amplification on gene expression ratios in cDNA experiments estimated by analysis of variance
BMC Genomics, 4 (1), 11
DOI 10.1186/1471-2164-4-11, PubMed 12659661

Nygaard V, Søreng S (2003)
Kartlegging av dagligvarebeholdningen i hushold i Nord-Norge: med henblikk på en krisesituasjon
In Rapport, Norut NIBR Finnmark, Alta, 2003:8, 45 s.
BIBSYS 040228703

Publications 2002

Wang J, Nygaard V, Smith-Sørensen B, Hovig E, Myklebost O (2002)
MArray: analysing single, replicated or reversed microarray experiments
Bioinformatics, 18 (8), 1139-40
DOI 10.1093/bioinformatics/18.8.1139, PubMed 12176840

Publications 2001

Ivanova L, Nygaard V (2001)
Policy exercise for stakeholders in the forest sektor in the Murmansk region
In NIBR notat, Norsk institutt for by- og regionforskning, Oslo, 2001:106, 58 s.
BIBSYS 011277602, ISBN 82-7071-302-3

Ivanova L, Nygaard V (2001)
Otčet ob "upražnenii v politike": seminare dlja predstavitelej lesnogo sektora Murmanskoj oblasti
In NIBR notat, Norsk institutt for by- og regionforskning, Oslo, 2001:106, 59 s.
BIBSYS 011652187, ISBN 82-7071-302-3

Nygaard V (2001)
Foreign trade in the Barents region: experienced by Russian companies in the Murmansk region :report from the RUSCA-project
In NIBR prosjektrapport, NIBR, Oslo, 2001:7, 94 s.
BIBSYS 011773367, ISBN 82-7071-327-9

Publications 2000

Lie I, Nygaard V (2000)
Reindriftsforvaltningen: en evaluering av organisasjon og virksomhet
In NIBR prosjektrapport, NIBR, Oslo, 2000:16, 174 s.
BIBSYS 001545574, ISBN 82-7071-253-1

Lie I, Nygaard V (2000)
Reindriftsforvaltningen: evaluering av organisasjon og virksomhet
S. 55-59
BIBSYS 111154979

Publications 1999

Karlstad S, Nygaard V (1999)
Samfunn, miljø og marked på Svalbard: nye forvaltnings- og kunnskapsutfordringer
In NIBR prosjektrapport, NIBR, Oslo, 1999:10, 74 s.
BIBSYS 991274261, ISBN 82-7071-162-4

Publications 1998

Nygaard V (1998)
Characterization of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana over-and underexpressing the peroxiredoxin gene Per 1
V. Nygaard, Oslo, 80 bl.
BIBSYS 981808808

Publications 1995

Høifødt S, Nygaard V, Aanesen M (1995)
The Northern Sea Route and possible regional consequences
In INSROP working paper, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Lysaker, no. 16-1995, 106 s.
BIBSYS 951945033, ISBN 82-7613-110-7

Publications 1993

Nygaard V (1993)
Partidannelser i Baltikum: en komparativ studie av de sosialdemokratiske partiene i Estland, Latvia og Litauen
V. Nygaard, Oslo, 131 s.
BIBSYS 931172160

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