The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg)

Anja Hetland SmelandGroup leader
Anja Hetland Smeland
Group leader

The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg), established in 2021, aim to develop a strong research milieu, characterized by methodological diversity and interdisciplinary work, with clear relevance to pediatric nursing in the projects that are initiated by the research group.

The research group will develop research along these three themes:

  1. Medical and healthcare research relevant to the patient mix at the Children’s Surgical department
  2. Education, learning and competence development of healthcare personnel in clinical activities
  3. Research on interprofessional interaction in complex clinical and organizational contexts, which also includes implementation research

The members of the research group consist of a mix of pediatric and other specialist nurses, surgeons, and anesthesiologists. We aim to become a true interprofessional research group. The group have researchers affiliated to Oslo Metropolitan University, Lovisenberg Diaconal College and the University of Oslo. The research group members have competence in both qualitative and quantitative methods, nursing and medical research, as well as research within pedagogical and research. One important research area is pediatric pain management in acute settings, i.e. emergency departments, surgical wards and recovery units.

Research conference:
InteRSurg organizes an annual interprofessional research conference at OUH held each autumn.

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