Annual Report 2020

Our first annual report is reporting on only one month, December 2020. Nevertheless, we have a lot to report. Workplans, meetings, employments and even some disseminations. I am very happy that we have come closer and started to know each other. In particular, I am happy about the start of employments and the skilled people we have employed so far. I am sure we will make a great team. For 2021, I wish for face to face meetings. We have managed well with our virtual meetings, and we have been flexible to adapt to whatever situation. Nonetheless, nothing can replace the joy and contact with in person meetings. I want to thank every single one of the team for your positive input, good spirits and good ideas. I look very much forward to a productive, exciting, and joyful collaboration for the next years to come.

- Center Director Kristina Haugaa

ProCardio will leverage the combination of leading research institutes and forefront industrial health tech providers, all under the clinical guidance of award-winning cardiologists at Oslo University Hospital (e.g. Kristina Haugaa; ERA-NET on Cardiovascular Diseases, with several awarded Early Career Scientists, and Thor Edvardsen, elected president of the European Association for Cardiovascular Imaging). In addition, it will build from the achievements from the Center for Research-based Innovation (SFI) Center for Cardiological Innovation, a highly successful SFI with excellent achievements; patents and a proven record of accomplishment in bring innovations to market. In addition, ProCardio will build on the SFI Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions (CIUS, 2016- 2023), as well as Center for Biomedical Computing (SFF, 2007-2017) – hence providing extensive research capacity to support ProCardio' s ambitious vision.​

Final annual report (PDF)

SFI CCI Final report (PDF)

Dec 29, 2022 Page visits: 325