Cecilie Bugge

  • PhD fellow; MD

Cecilie Bugge got her medical degree at the University of Oslo (UiO), Norway in 2019. After her internship at Stavanger University Hospital (SUS), she worked two years as a resident at the devision of medicine and the department of cardiology at SUS.
She startes as a PhD fellow in 2023. Her main research focus is on arrhythmic mitral valve syndrome (AMVS) to improve knowledge about ventricular arrhythmias and treatment in this patient group.

Supervisors: Eivind Westrum Aabel, MD, PhD and Professor Kristina Hermann Hauga, MD, PhD.


Publications 2024

Myklebust L, Monopoli G, Balaban G, Aabel EW, Ribe M, Castrini AI, Hasselberg NE, Bugge C, Five C, Haugaa K, Maleckar MM, Arevalo H (2024)
Stretch of the papillary insertion triggers reentrant arrhythmia: an in silico patient study
Front Physiol, 15, 1447938
DOI 10.3389/fphys.2024.1447938, PubMed 39224207

Publications 2023

Bugge C, Grundt H, Hove IH, Jazbani M, Butt N (2023)
[A man in his fifties with chest pain and syncope]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 143 (11)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.22.0782, PubMed 37589355

Publications 2018

Bugge C, Aaberge L, Bendz B (2018)
Kateterbasert behandling av aortastenose - skrøpelighetsvurdering av pasienter.
Hjerteforum, 31 (3), 49-54
PublikaID 440

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