PSOGI conference 2023
A delegation of 10 with both clinicians and researchers from Oslo University Hospital attended the 13th International Congress on Peritoneal Surface Malignancies in Venice, October 4th – 6th, 2023. The conference had a lot of exciting presentations with different practice experiences and cutting-edge scientific knowledge, and there was a lot of opportunity to talk to long-standing and new international colleagues and collaborators.

Picture 1: The Norwegian delegate outside the conference venue in Venice
The Oslo team had three oral presentations Dr Stein Larsen with the title; ”18-month safety and efficacy after intraperitoneal treatment with 224Radium-labelled microparticles (Radspherin) after cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (CRS-HIPEC) for colorectal peritoneal metastasis (PM)” . The aim of this study has been to clearify if Radspherin a radiopharmaceutical drug , given intraperitoneally post-surgery can induce efficient killing of remaining tumor cells . The safety results showed that the drug is well tolerated and also showed promising results indicating reduction in peritoneal metastasis at 18 months. Dr Larsen concluded that further exploration of these encouring results is planned in a randomized controlled trial.
Dr Kjersti Flatmark had an encourage presentation on the ongoing PSeudovax project with the title “Pseudovax - a therapeutic cancer vaccine targeting mutated GNAS in PMP” . Dr Flatmark gave an update on the project where the most important update might be that the Polypeptide is in production and hopefully delivered start of next year, and that the plan is two start up with inclusion at the end of next year.
The last of our presenters were Dr Karianne Giller Fleten with the title “A novel nanoparticle-based platform for intraperitoneal treatment of peritoneal metastases from ovarian and colorectal cancer “. Dr. Fleten showed some exciting results with nanoparticles that encapsulated cabaxitaxel increases retention and treatment responses in peritoneal metastases from ovarian and colorectal cancer.
We also had 4 posters presenting some of our ongoing projects see Picture 2.

Picture 2: Poster presenters from upper left; Dr Piotr Wranicz, Dr Annette Torgunrud, Dr Christin Lund-Andersen and Dr. Mariusz Goscinski
Poster presentation Dr Piotr Wranicz with the title; “Intraperitoneal (IP) lidocaine infusion is an efficient and safe pain treatment for Normothermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy - long term (NIPEC-LT) for patients with colorectal cancer carcinomatosis”.
Poster presented by Dr Annette Torgunrud with the title; “Circulating tumor DNA for monitoring patients with pseudomyxoma peritonei”.
Poster presented by Dr Christin Lund-Andersen with the title “Reduced expression of drug transporter SLC7A6 – a possible explanation for failure of mitomycin C-based HIPEC in BRAF-mutated peritoneal from metastases from colorectal cancer”.
Poster presentation by Dr. Mariusz Goscinski with the title; “Normothermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy – long term (NIPEC-LT) in peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer – Norwegian feasibility study”.