Johanna Marie Lundesgaard Eidahl

  • Special engineer; PhD

Publications 2023

Eidahl JML, Rognum TO, Stray-Pedersen A, Opdal SH (2023)
Brain water content in sudden unexpected infant death
Forensic Sci Med Pathol, 19 (4), 507-516
DOI 10.1007/s12024-023-00584-8, PubMed 36735187

Publications 2021

Eidahl JML, Stray-Pedersen A, Rognum TO, Opdal SH (2021)
Aquaporin 4 expression in the hippocampus in sudden infant death syndrome and sudden unexplained death in childhood
J Chem Neuroanat, 115, 101962
DOI 10.1016/j.jchemneu.2021.101962, PubMed 33945852

Publications 2019

Lundesgaard Eidahl JM, Opdal SH, Rognum TO, Stray-Pedersen A (2019)
Postmortem evaluation of brain edema: An attempt with measurements of water content and brain-weight-to-inner-skull-circumference ratio
J Forensic Leg Med, 64, 1-6
DOI 10.1016/j.jflm.2019.03.003, PubMed 30877967

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