Hjerteforskningsprisen 2023: Prestigious heart research award to Dan Atar
The Heart Research Award (Hjerteforskningsprisen) for 2023 was given to Dan Atar, head of the Ischemic heart disease group at the Department of Cardiology B at the Division of Medicine. It is a prestigious prize given on the basis of significant results in cardiovascular research. The heart research award was distributed by by H.M. King Harald in a solemn ceremony on April 18.
The National Association for Public Health, who distributes the award, highlights Atar's work with new international guidelines for the treatment of heart disorders, in addition to his participation in a number of professional forums both nationally and internationally.
- Dan Atar is one of the most influential researchers in the world. With this award, we want to thank, but also inspire continued efforts to combat heart disease and stroke, says Secretary General, Mina Gerhardsen.
He has been involved in the development of guidelines through his role in the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Here he has both led working groups and been vice-president for several years.
- I am very proud that I have contributed to many of the guidelines that are published by ESC. They have great professional weight and are used all over the world. The Norwegian Cardiological Society is also reviewing these guidelines and acceding to them with a few modifications, says Atar.
Despite broad professional interests within the entire field of cardiology, the clear common thread in Atar's broad research work is "ischemic damage of the myocardium".
- This is about the world's most frequent cause of death, namely heart attack. "Ischemic damage" means that too little oxygen gets to the heart muscle. This happens approximately every second, worldwide, when a person has a heart attack, he explains.
Read more about Atar's research:
Comprehensive article from the home page of National Association for Public Health (Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelse) (in Norwegian):
Hjerteforskningsprisen 2023
News article from the home page of the University of Oslo (in Norwegian):
Hjerteforskningsprisen til Dan Atar

Photo: Anne Elisabeth Næss, Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsen