The core facility for Advanced Electron Microscopy - Montebello

The core facility for Advanced Electron Microscopy at OUH is a state-of–the-art equipped laboratory that offers high-end imaging technology for researchers. The facility contains two nodes which, are localized at the Pathology Dept., Rikshospitalet and the Institute for Cancer Research, Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Radium Hospital. The node at Rikshospitalet serves researchers at Rikshospitalet, Ullevål Hospital and the Gaustad University campus, and shares equipment with the diagnostic unit. The node at the Radium Hospital mainly serves researchers at the Institute for Cancer Research and the Radium Hospital.
The core facility offers specialized equipment and preparation methods for advanced electron microscopy of cells and tissues. Both labs offer preparation methods for pure morphological studies and for immunocytochemical localization of antigens on ultrathin sections. Samples can be further quantitatively evaluated using various forms of morphometric analysis. For more information please see link (methods). More advanced techniques such as high-pressure freezing followed by freeze substitution, correlative light electron microscopy (CLEM) and electron tomography are also available. We offer training for users in both specimen preparation and microscopy.