Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics

The Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics performs research in biomedicine and informatics to develop and establish new methods for diagnosis and prognostication and applies these methods to large clinical series in collaboration with the clinical departments and Department of Pathology at Oslo University Hospital. Successful trials are then made applicable and offered as routine clinical practice, preferably established and performed by us.
We focus on new technologies, often referred to as artificial intelligence (AI), and continue establishing new knowledge in the laboratory and then taking it to the clinic. This strategy requires an interdisciplinary approach, and close integration between scientists, technologists and clinicians. Our basic research strategy is to focus on nucleomics, our innovation strategy is focused on microscopy based image analysis, and our overall goal is to enable better cancer treatment through new methods for improved diagnosis and prognosis of cancer.
Video presentation of the Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics
The Institutes main projects the last decade include the Norwegian Research Council Lighthouse Project DoMore! (2016 - 2021), and from 2007 - 2017 we were part of the Centre for Cancer Biomedicine, appointed Centre for excellence in research by the Norwegian Research Council. The Institute’s work consistently supports the high international standing of the Oslo University Hospital, both through our contribution to medical services and through our research contribution.
We are located at Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park (5th - 7th floor, entrance 2A), next to Radiumhospitalet at Oslo University Hospital.
The institute is currently headed by Tarjei Sveinsgjerd Hveem and has around 70 employees.
Professor Håvard E. G. Danielsen(1957 - 2023) founded the Institute back in 2004, and right up until his death in October 2023 headed a joint team of researchers, developers and lab-personnel in developing methods to improve cancer diagnostics through combining biomedicine and informatics. Danielsen is considered a pioneer and a world-leading expert in digital pathology and artificial intelligence. In 2022 he was awarded the King Olav V's Cancer Research Prize from the Norwegian Cancer Society, as well as the "Excellent Researcher Award" from Oslo University Hospital. In addition he held a Professor II position at the University of Oslo's Department of Informatics, and a "Visiting Professor of Cancer Informatics" position at Oxford University (UK).