Helge Ræder group

My broad research aim is to understand disease processes leading to pediatric endocrine diseases such as diabetes and disorders of the ovaries and testes. In addition to clinical and genetic studies, we are using cell models based on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) generated from fibroblasts from patients with endocrine disease. We have mainly focused on making pancreatic beta-like cells, ovarian cells and testicular cells and characterized these cells with omics metods (i.e. proteomics) and functional studies.
Among our research achievements, we have been successful in making human iPSCs from fibroblasts from several members in MODY (Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young) families, direct these cells towards pancreatic beta-like cells and characterize their proteome.
Some notable recent papers:
Furuyama, K., S. Chera, L. van Gurp, D. Oropeza, L. Ghila, N. Damond, H. Vethe, J. A. Paulo, A. M. Joosten, T. Berney, D. Bosco, C. Dorrell, M. Grompe, H. Raeder, B. O. Roep, F. Thorel and P. L. Herrera (2019). "Diabetes relief in mice by glucose-sensing insulin-secreting human alpha-cells." Nature 567(7746): 43-48.
Vethe H, Ghila L, Berle M, Hoareau L, Haaland OA, Scholz H, Paulo JA, Chera S, Raeder H: The Effect of Wnt Pathway Modulators on Human iPSC-Derived Pancreatic Beta Cell Maturation. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2019;10:293
Vethe H, Bjorlykke Y, Ghila LM, Paulo JA, Scholz H, Gygi SP, Chera S, Raeder H: Probing the missing mature beta-cell proteomic landscape in differentiating patient iPSC-derived cells. Sci Rep 2017;7:4780 Bjørlykke Y, Søviknes AM, Hoareau L, Vethe H, Mathisen AF, Chera S, Vaudel M, Ghila L and Ræder H. Reprogrammed cells display distinct proteomic signatures associated with colony morphology variability". Stem Cells International, Stem Cells Int 2019;2019:8036035