Investigation of the microbiome in childhood cancer

Project leader: Lars Baumbusch

Every year about 180-200 children develop cancer in Norway. Child cancer is still the predominant cause of death among children over a year in Western countries despite of significantly improved treatment and increased knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of various cancers. Unfortunately, there are defined groups of childhood cancer characterized by short survival, unexpected relapses and / or lifelong side effects.

The human microbiota plays an important role in health and disease. This project will increase understanding of the possible importance of the microbial in the development, progression and/or and tolerance and effect of treatment in childhood cancer. This could contribute to a more targeted strategy for cancer treatment in the near future.

Sequencing of 16s rRNA using MiSeq in stools from children with newly diagnosed childhood cancer, with procedure established previously by our collaboration partners. Sequencing will be performed at the core facility at OUS and/or at NMBU (Norwegian University of Life Science in Ås).

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